TWO-STORY open space in the kindergarten
stage: concept
place: Russia
sq: 111 m2
year: 2022
A large bright play space was obtained by combining several rooms on two floors.
The first floor became a space for active
creative activity and a place where
children can explore a variety of
space and its possibilities in it.
The second floor became an open space with
opportunities for free creativity and
creating a place for the game from the proposed
-soft modules of various shapes
-fabric baffles on a fixed
ceiling cornice system
- movable screens with a transparent system
storage of games and constructor
To create a multidimensional space
on the first floor, we have kept part of the partitions that were originally here
and turned them into game components
zones: wet zone for playing with water and
tower with stairs to the second floor.
Space transformation:
Activities converted into game elements in space
A small area and a large number of different activities initiated the creation
mobile furniture to make the space multifunctional.
The key idea is space
encourages creation, interaction and creativity.
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